

I've recently signed up for an account with Postcrossing. My friend Whitney at WRKDesigns turned me on to this site. Postcrossing is an online postcard exchange program that connects you with random postcard senders from around the world. Depending upon how active you are and how many postcards you send, you'll start receiving postcards from all over the world. So far I've sent 9 postcards and just got my first postcard from Taiwan the other day! Now I want more!

These are postcards that I've made for my random assigned recipients. I like to make special cards that match my recipients' interests. It's fun!

So far, I've sent postcards to Germany, France, Taiwan, the Netherlands, and Slovania to name a few. It's totally free, except the postage of course and when the random postcards start coming in, it makes it all worth it!

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